
14.07.2022 r.

eba FUN&SAFE boxes

fun & safe boxes distributed – fun and safe SUMMER with eba ?.


Sunshine not only over Poland, school is over and we officially consider the summer season to be open. Of course, we are working, but our kids have been already enjoying a well-deserved holidays. Thinking of our youngest, we have created fun & safe boxes – which would make the holidays fun, BUT most of all SAFE. The sets include:


linen bags | quick dry towels | beach balls | and MOST IMPORTANTLY, creams with a high UV filter.

The aura is undoubtedly conducive to taking water and sunbathing, so let’s all use it, but PLEASE do it wisely and SAFELY❗

When relaxing in OUTDOOR ?‍♀️ ?⛺ it is worth to remember about:


? avoiding sun exposure between 11:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.
? using UV filters
? wearing a hat and sunglasses
? having fun ?


Would you like to get a similar set? Take part in our competition on LinkedIn?

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