
09.08.2023 r.

eba ECOVADIS 2023

We are very pleased to share this news with you. We’ve being awarded with the SILVER MEDAL eco VADIS 2023 ???

EcoVadis is the world’s leading rating platform, providing assessments of companies’ activities and practices in the field of sustainable development. It studies corporate social responsibility, focusing on 4 areas:


? environment
? labor and human rights
? ethics, as well
? sustainable procurement.


eba sp. z o.o. – for years, we have been caring for the environment, creating equal, ethical working conditions, as well as sustainable purchases. Being a family company, operating for 45 years in business, we introduce these changes in an evolutionary way. We take small steps so that the implemented changes are permanent.


The ecoVADIS award is for us, for our #ebaTEAM, our clients and business partners – a confirmation of social awareness and responsibility of eba sp. z o.o.


We proudly invite you to challenge us ? 🙂 .

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